6 CT90 Cutting & Tapping 500ml (Pack of 15)

CT90 Cutting & Tapping 500ml (Pack of 15)

Brand Action Can
Product Code: CT90500ML15
Availability: 3 Days

Please Note: If stock is not available, lead times may depend on supplier stock. Please contact us if you wish to check this before placing your order.
£136.44 Ex VAT: £113.70

CT-90, the ultimate 4-in-1 versatile cutting lubricant makes metal working easier when cutting, tapping, drilling and reaming. High-performance metal cutting lubricant for use on all tough metals including stainless steel. Specially formulated with excellent extreme-pressure (EP), additives reducing friction and keeping the work-piece at a stable temperature to prevent seizing. Dissipates heat, reducing cutting time, swarf build-up, metal scrap and downtime. Protects and extends the life of the tool.

Now available as a foaming lubricant

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